المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ممكن احد يساعدني

ام علاوي
01-01-2008, 09:54 PM
عندي امتحان في اللغه الانجليزيه وقالت الابله ان راح تجينا نكتب عن last Eid ...
your friend....واحد من هذولي راح يجينا نكتب عنه
فياريت احد يكتب لي هالموضوعين بصوره سهله للحفظ ابيهم اليوم اذا ممكن
ويعطيكم الف عافيه

01-01-2008, 10:26 PM
ام علاوي انا من اشوف اسمك اعرف انك تبين موضوع انجليزي بدون مايدخل الواحد موضوعك ويشوف طلبك

ليت عندي وقت قدرت اساعدك :)

اتمنى اذا حد من الاخوان يساعد ام علاوي بس اتمنى ياختي تعتمدين على نفسك شوي ترا بتضيعين بالجامعه صارت صعبه وبتصيحين دم اذا تميتي اتعيدين في امتحان التوفل والنتيجه الرسوب مثل مئات الطالبات :whistling:

ربي يوفقك ياختي

ورقــة أمــل
01-01-2008, 10:31 PM
مافي فايده معاها

تبي موضوع جاهزز وهي تحفظ وتنقش

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله تلقين من يسوي لج الموضوع

01-01-2008, 11:03 PM
First i like this topic and its very interesting

I want to speak about my last aid

it was very beutiful i visited many places in Qatar

fpr exampel

i visited the zoo with my friends we had

a good time there

Also i went to the City center with my family

we did some shpping there

i went to the cinema with my brother

but the movei was boring

Finally i went to the Cornish with my sister

we walked threre and the wether was fantastic

Really it was intereting holiday

01-01-2008, 11:08 PM
أختي أم علاوي هالطريقة ماتنفع...بتتعبين وايد مثل ما قالت لج أختي miss-qtr...مافي شيء تقدرين تاخذينه جاهز وتحفظينه وتمتحنين...والله يهداج ويوفقج

وعلى فكرة أخوي بوحارب القطعة عندك فيها أخطاء إملائية...
بالمناسبة أختي إنتي أي صف؟

01-01-2008, 11:13 PM
وعلى فكرة أخوي بوحارب القطعة عندك فيها أخطاء إملائية...

أدري اخطاء املائية وحرقات بالهبل:pic:

خل أم علاوي تصحح لأنه اللغة عندي مش ولا بد:thumbdown:

مشكور على الملاحظة

كلاسيك للبيع
01-01-2008, 11:28 PM
بو حارب

دو يووو سبيك؟

مي سبيك

آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآي ...................سبيك

آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ ي سبيك

شي كانت سبيك..... ذير فور... شي ول بي ون اوف ذا لووووزرس .

01-01-2008, 11:32 PM
أمـــــــــ عـــــــــــــلاوي
اللــــــــه يوفقكــــــــــــج

أدخلــــــــي علــــى هالروابــــــــــــط
وبتحصليـــــــــــن اللــــي تبينـــــــــــه
وموفقــــــــــــه أن شــــاءالله



ورقــة أمــل
01-01-2008, 11:34 PM
First i like this topic and its very interesting

I want to speak about my last aid

it was very beutiful i visited many places in Qatar

fpr exampel

i visited the zoo with my friends we had

a good time there

Also i went to the City center with my family

we did some shpping there

i went to the cinema with my brother

but the movei was boring

Finally i went to the Cornish with my sister

we walked threre and the wether was fantastic

Really it was intereting holiday

كنت متوقعه بتحل لها الواجب :court:

هالكثر اخطاااااااااء،، كلها ثلاث جمل على بعض :sneaky:

وام علاوي بروحها ماتعرف تكتب فقرة وين بتصلح اخطاءك

شكلك بترسبها في الامتحان

01-01-2008, 11:39 PM
بو حارب

دو يووو سبيك؟

مي سبيك

آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآي ...................سبيك

آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ ي سبيك

شي كانت سبيك..... ذير فور... شي ول بي ون اوف ذا لووووزرس .

اي كااان اسبيك عنجليزي

بت يو كانت سبيك سيم مي

اي ثينك ذات

جود نايت ماي بروثر:eek5:

01-01-2008, 11:41 PM
كنت متوقعه بتحل لها الواجب :court:

هالكثر اخطاااااااااء،، كلها ثلاث جمل على بعض :sneaky:

وام علاوي بروحها ماتعرف تكتب فقرة وين بتصلح اخطاءك

شكلك بترسبها في الامتحان


العتب على الخبرة

كلاسيك للبيع
01-01-2008, 11:44 PM
اي كااان اسبيك عنجليزي

بت يو كانت سبيك سيم مي

اي ثينك ذات

جود نايت ماي بروثر:eek5:

جود افترنووون... مي جود.. يو جود؟ الحمدلله :nice:.

على فكرة انا من مواليد لندن. :strong . والانجليزي عندي fluent :whistling:

01-01-2008, 11:50 PM
جود افترنووون... مي جود.. يو جود؟ الحمدلله :nice:.

على فكرة انا من مواليد لندن. :strong . والانجليزي عندي fluent :whistling:


اي ثينك يو كان سبيك انجلش بتر ثان مي:eek5:

بيكوز يو بورن ان لندن :omg:

اي ويل كوم تو يور هوم تو ليرن مي اف يو كان:this:

باربي قطر
01-01-2008, 11:52 PM
As the month of Ramadhan comes to a close - or so I'm told- preparations are underway for the great big celebration that is Eid il Fitr (the three day long shindig celebrating the end of the fast). Great time to be at home.. you get to see all sorts of family and friends, wear brand new clothes and have balalee6 oo baidh (sweet noodles and omelettes) for breakfast and goozi (a feast for the senses.. 'nuff said) for lunch on the first day. Yummy.

So how's my Ramadhan been? Don't ask. I haven't been back in Bahrain for Ramadhan or Eid for the last five years. I forgot the taste of that month's special food (thireed, harees and the rest of the gang).. I forgot what it felt like to have a big family gathering on the first day of Eid, such a joyful day, a day where I used to recieve money from the elders for the occasion. A dinar here and a dinar there and at the close of business, at around 7pm, a counting session to see who got the most money. My first year in university my mom assured me that she had saved my Eid money in the bank for me.. over the last four years the amount has shrunken considerably (God, isn't he old enough to start making his own money by now? Why do we still keep giving him Eidiya?) with only my parents, Allah ya7fidhum, still making sure I get my Eid money in my account for when I come back on vacations.

As children we used to get Eid gifts in a very special way. I remember getting my GameBoy on the first day of Eid. This kerrr-aazy new gizmo that I can carry around with me to play games with.. my parents would put the gift next to my bed after I went to sleep so that I'd wake up in the morning and find it on the bedside table. Naturally, I'd wake up at around 5am to play with whatever I had gotten that year.. nothing works better as an alarm clock than a burning sense of anticipation in an 11 year old boy.

I miss all of that. Ramadhan is so damn desolate when you've got no atmosphere around you. It takes some serious determination and strength of faith to be able to fast by yourself, eat by yourself, and continue with the same timetable of normal days without food or drink. And then if you actually manage to fast the whole month, what do you get? Eid! Guess what I'll be doing this Eid? Well, it could potentially fall on a Wedensday or Thursday so I'm going to go absolutely nuts.. I'm going to go to my tutorials and various educational activities at the hospital, and then I'm gonna come back home, do some reading, eat my dinner and go to sleep so I can wake up and do it all over again on - you guessed it - the SECOND day of Eid!

Last year's Eid I think I took the day off from the hospital and went to watch a movie with a friend.. I don't think I can afford to do so this year, my consultant certainly wouldn't appreciate it if I did. I went down to see my brother in England a week ago and I managed to fast two or three days. It was nice, there's a good Bahraini group of kids there and they cook if6ar and are living in (a slightly excessive) Ramadhan mode: they stay awake until 3 or 4 in the morning watching Arabic tv shows on satellite, then wake up at 3pm the next day. Having that whole atmosphere made it easier, even though I was waking up at 10 I could still get through the day with the promise of a nice, home cooked meal. What do I get if I decide to fast in Dublin? A headache lasting from 7am to 5pm and a rushed pizza in the oven, that's what.

I know, I know.. I'm just being weak. It can be done, and Muslims all over the world do it in foreign countries. The feeling of Ramadhan has always been the clincher for me, and when I don't get that its very hard to live the month. Maybe its my fault for not surrounding myself with Arabic or Muslim friends. The past 26 days have just been the 4th to the 30th of October for me, in truth. All those feelings of guilt I used to get for not fasting are becoming easier to sweep away each year. Maybe someday I'll get it all back, and I know its going to feel fantastic. And on that note I'm going to end this disjointed, disillusioned rant.

Hope you had a great Ramadhan, 9iyamin maqbool if you've fasted, and Eidkum Imbarak to all.

01-01-2008, 11:53 PM
:eek5: بل :eek5:

كلاسيك للبيع
01-01-2008, 11:54 PM
بو حارب ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه ذبحتني الله يغربل ابليسك. تو تيتش مي ..مو ليرن مي.

بروح ارقد ابرك.... يالله السلام عليكم

كلاسيك للبيع
01-01-2008, 11:55 PM

باربي ... في مضارب بني عبس.

يااااااااااااااااا عنتر ... يااااااااااااااااااااااااعنتر

01-01-2008, 11:55 PM
بو حارب ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه ذبحتني الله يغربل ابليسك. تو تيتش مي ..مو ليرن مي.

بروح ارقد ابرك.... يالله السلام عليكم


وعليكم السلام

ام علاوي
02-01-2008, 08:33 AM
يعطيك العافيه اخوي حارب
القطعه وايد حلوه ... عارفه انك بتساعدني بس كمل احسانك وكتب لي
قطعه عن your frinde

وجزاك الله خير

بنت الفيصل
02-01-2008, 09:00 AM
First i like this topic and its very interesting

I want to speak about my last aid

it was very beutiful i visited many places in Qatar

fpr exampel

i visited the zoo with my friends we had

a good time there

Also i went to the City center with my family

we did some shpping there

i went to the cinema with my brother

but the movei was boring

Finally i went to the Cornish with my sister

we walked threre and the wether was fantastic

Really it was intereting holiday

ااااااااااااااااه يالغشاااااااااااش:sneaky:

02-01-2008, 09:04 AM

The mobile is a new model technology to contact people each other. However, it has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are contact people each other, send messages, brows an internet through mobile, and take photo.
The disadvantages are some people use it to bother each other by taking personal photo, it has signal which affect human by cause cancer and some programmers create some viruses to steal all information from your mobile.
With both advantages and disadvantages, the mobile is very good technology and important for our lives. Each person in this plant, child or grown up have one.


The internet is a world wide. It is a big network which makes the live in all majors easier for communicate. There is no home on this plant does not have an internet. However, it has ad\vantages and disadvantages. The advantages are good technology to contact people beside the mobile, can people have much information, have fun such as play games or chat with friends and read news world through the websites.
The disadvantages are that some websites are not suitable for our religion and culture such as sexual websites, some programmers creates viruses to attack our files in computer or attack out hard drive. However, it is still important technology that no one denial.


دلة الرسلان
02-01-2008, 09:05 AM
:thi=باربي قطر;2270075]As the month of Ramadhan comes to a close - or so I'm told- preparations are underway for the great big celebration that is Eid il Fitr (the three day long shindig celebrating the end of the fast). Great time to be at home.. you get to see all sorts of family and friends, wear brand new clothes and have balalee6 oo baidh (sweet noodles and omelettes) for breakfast and goozi (a feast for the senses.. 'nuff said) for lunch on the first day. Yummy.

So how's my Ramadhan been? Don't ask. I haven't been back in Bahrain for Ramadhan or Eid for the last five years. I forgot the taste of that month's special food (thireed, harees and the rest of the gang).. I forgot what it felt like to have a big family gathering on the first day of Eid, such a joyful day, a day where I used to recieve money from the elders for the occasion. A dinar here and a dinar there and at the close of business, at around 7pm, a counting session to see who got the most money. My first year in university my mom assured me that she had saved my Eid money in the bank for me.. over the last four years the amount has shrunken considerably (God, isn't he old enough to start making his own money by now? Why do we still keep giving him Eidiya?) with only my parents, Allah ya7fidhum, still making sure I get my Eid money in my account for when I come back on vacations.

As children we used to get Eid gifts in a very special way. I remember getting my GameBoy on the first day of Eid. This kerrr-aazy new gizmo that I can carry around with me to play games with.. my parents would put the gift next to my bed after I went to sleep so that I'd wake up in the morning and find it on the bedside table. Naturally, I'd wake up at around 5am to play with whatever I had gotten that year.. nothing works better as an alarm clock than a burning sense of anticipation in an 11 year old boy.

I miss all of that. Ramadhan is so damn desolate when you've got no atmosphere around you. It takes some serious determination and strength of faith to be able to fast by yourself, eat by yourself, and continue with the same timetable of normal days without food or drink. And then if you actually manage to fast the whole month, what do you get? Eid! Guess what I'll be doing this Eid? Well, it could potentially fall on a Wedensday or Thursday so I'm going to go absolutely nuts.. I'm going to go to my tutorials and various educational activities at the hospital, and then I'm gonna come back home, do some reading, eat my dinner and go to sleep so I can wake up and do it all over again on - you guessed it - the SECOND day of Eid!

Last year's Eid I think I took the day off from the hospital and went to watch a movie with a friend.. I don't think I can afford to do so this year, my consultant certainly wouldn't appreciate it if I did. I went down to see my brother in England a week ago and I managed to fast two or three days. It was nice, there's a good Bahraini group of kids there and they cook if6ar and are living in (a slightly excessive) Ramadhan mode: they stay awake until 3 or 4 in the morning watching Arabic tv shows on satellite, then wake up at 3pm the next day. Having that whole atmosphere made it easier, even though I was waking up at 10 I could still get through the day with the promise of a nice, home cooked meal. What do I get if I decide to fast in Dublin? A headache lasting from 7am to 5pm and a rushed pizza in the oven, that's what.

I know, I know.. I'm just being weak. It can be done, and Muslims all over the world do it in foreign countries. The feeling of Ramadhan has always been the clincher for me, and when I don't get that its very hard to live the month. Maybe its my fault for not surrounding myself with Arabic or Muslim friends. The past 26 days have just been the 4th to the 30th of October for me, in truth. All those feelings of guilt I used to get for not fasting are becoming easier to sweep away each year. Maybe someday I'll get it all back, and I know its going to feel fantastic. And on that note I'm going to end this disjointed, disillusioned rant.

Hope you had a great Ramadhan, 9iyamin maqbool if you've fasted, and Eidkum Imbarak to all.[/QUOTE]

باربي قطر من وين جايبة الموضوع حرام عليج انا

منكسر خاطري على صاحبة وادعوا له بالهداية كان قلتي منقوووووول :this:

ام علاوي
02-01-2008, 09:07 AM

The mobile is a new model technology to contact people each other. However, it has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are contact people each other, send messages, brows an internet through mobile, and take photo.
The disadvantages are some people use it to bother each other by taking personal photo, it has signal which affect human by cause cancer and some programmers create some viruses to steal all information from your mobile.
With both advantages and disadvantages, the mobile is very good technology and important for our lives. Each person in this plant, child or grown up have one.


The internet is a world wide. It is a big network which makes the live in all majors easier for communicate. There is no home on this plant does not have an internet. However, it has ad\vantages and disadvantages. The advantages are good technology to contact people beside the mobile, can people have much information, have fun such as play games or chat with friends and read news world through the websites.
The disadvantages are that some websites are not suitable for our religion and culture such as sexual websites, some programmers creates viruses to attack our files in computer or attack out hard drive. However, it is still important technology that no one denial.


يعطيك العافيه اخوي بس شدخل هالموضوعين
انا ابي موضوع عن صديقك (your frinde)

ام علاوي
02-01-2008, 09:27 AM

02-01-2008, 09:29 AM
:unsure: اوكي

ام علاوي
02-01-2008, 09:40 AM
:unsure: اوكي

تسلم والله :thumbup:

02-01-2008, 09:42 AM
First i like this topic and its very interesting

I want to speak about my friend Ali

Ali is the best one in my friends

he is 23 years old

he is married and he has a boy

he live in doha with his family

he has two sisters and three brothres

he is a engineer in Ras Gas and he have a good salary

Finaly i belaive that Ali is the best one in my friends

02-01-2008, 09:44 AM
ااااااااااااااااه يالغشاااااااااااش:sneaky:

انا ما غشيت :no2:

بس غششت:no:

ام علاوي
02-01-2008, 09:45 AM
First i like this topic and its very interesting

I want to speak about my friend Ali

Ali is the best one in my friends

he is 23 years old

he is married and he has a boy

he live in doha with his family

he has two sisters and three brothres

he is a engineer in Ras Gas and he have a good salary

Finaly i belaive that Ali is the best one in my friends
يعطيك العافيه
بس مو حلوه مايصير اقول عندي صديق اسمه علي ومتزوج
ابي واحد نفس سني يعني نلعب مع بعض عرفت اشلون

02-01-2008, 09:49 AM
يعطيك العافيه
بس مو حلوه مايصير اقول عندي صديق اسمه علي ومتزوج
ابي واحد نفس سني يعني نلعب مع بعض عرفت اشلون

بعد موب حلوة اني اكتب عندي صديقة وتشتغل ووووو

انتي غيري الأسم والأعمار والوظائف والموضوع بيكون اخر حلاوة

ام علاوي
02-01-2008, 09:59 AM
i want to speak about my friend fatma,she is the best one in my friends
she is 23 years old,she has two sisters and three brothres ....
بعد شكتب ....

02-01-2008, 10:04 AM
i want to speak about my friend fatma,she is the best one in my friends
she is 23 years old,she has two sisters and three brothres ....
بعد شكتب ....

لهدرجة :rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

اوكي لحظة

ام علاوي
02-01-2008, 10:09 AM
لهدرجة :rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

اوكي لحظة

اشفيك هذا امتحان مو لعبه :anger3:

02-01-2008, 10:12 AM
First i like this topic and its very interesting

I want to speak about my friend fatma

Fatma is the best one in my friends

she is 17 years old

she is not married

she likes reading and internet

she live in doha with his family

she has two sisters and three brothres

she is a student seam me and we are studey in seam school

Finaly i belaive that Fatma is the best one in my friends

02-01-2008, 10:20 AM
اخووي بوحارب ارجو تصحيح التالي
of my friends
she lives
same ( not seam)

مع خالص تحياتي

02-01-2008, 10:26 AM
اخووي بوحارب ارجو تصحيح التالي
of my friends
she lives
same ( not seam)

مع خالص تحياتي


ادري انه عندي اخطاء لأني اكتب بدون تركيز:rolleyes2:

أم علاوي حاولي تركزين على الأخطاء الاملائية:rolleyes2: