المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : للمتداولين عن طريق الانتر نت هااااااااااام

بنـ الدحيل ـت
25-10-2005, 12:38 AM
أختبر منافذ جهازك من هذا الموقع


اذا كانت Open = ( أعمل فورمات لجهازك ) أو ابحث عن برنامج لأقفال البورتات و تفحص الجهاز

اذا كانت Closed = انت معرض للأختراق في اي وقت

اذا كانت Secure = ................. جهازك أمن

بعد دخولك الموقع انتظر للحظات وتشاهد النتيجه


بنـ الدحيل ـت
25-10-2005, 12:44 AM
النتيجة ظهر لي هذا ولا أدري ما معناه :

Closed but Unsecure
443 (HTTPS)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

أيش يعني ..؟؟

25-10-2005, 12:51 AM
تسلمين يارب اختي بنت الدحيل وعساج دوم على القوة يارب

قطري مغامر
25-10-2005, 02:55 PM
الشيخه طلعت لي صفحة

Port Scan
This server will now attempt to open several common ports on your computer. The results of these attempts will be displayed on this page as Open, Closed, or Secure:

If your firewall is configured to block a port, and it is operating correctly, you will see Secure and an event will be logged on your firewall.
A Closed port indicates that the port is reachable but there is no program currently accepting connections there.
If the port is indicated as Open there is an application or service on your computer actively accepting connections.

The time to check each port will range from less than a second up to 20 seconds. Ports which are Secure will take the most time.

Open and Unsecure!
21 (FTP)

This port is not being blocked and there is a program accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
23 (Telnet)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
25 (SMTP Mail Server Port)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
79 (Finger)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Open and Unsecure!
80 (HTTP)

If this computer is not supposed to be acting as a web server you should not have this port open.

Closed but Unsecure
110 (POP3 Mail Server Port)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

139 (Net BIOS)

This port is completely invisible to the outside world.

Closed but Unsecure
143 (IMAP)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Closed but Unsecure
443 (HTTPS)

This port is not being blocked, but there is no program currently accepting connections on this port.

Test complete.

Reachable ports were found. If these ports were not deliberately left open, there may be a problem with your firewall operation or configuration.

McAfee.com, McAfee Personal Firewall, and HackerWatch.org name, design and related marks
are Copyright © 1997-2002 McAfee.com Corp. All rights reserved.

فائز الدارين
25-10-2005, 03:01 PM
مشكورة يا بنت دحيل على النقل.

بنـ الدحيل ـت
30-10-2005, 01:28 PM
ليتني أفهم ..

أيش يعني ..؟؟

30-10-2005, 01:34 PM
يعطيكي الف مليون عافيه طمنتيني على الجهاز

04-11-2005, 01:28 AM
والحل أختي كيف أقفلهم بالنورتن؟!!