المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الديار القطرية" تمتلك 22.7% من شركة فنادق كان الفرنسية

مغروور قطر
02-10-2008, 03:42 AM
الديار القطرية" تمتلك 22.7% من شركة فنادق كان الفرنسية| تاريخ النشر:يوم الخميس ,2 أكتوبر 2008 1:08 أ.م.

باريس ـ طوني شامية :
أصبحت شركة الديار القطرية منذ 30 سبتمبر الماضي شريكا في شركة فنادق "كان" الفرنسية حيث ارتفعت حصة قطر إلى ما نسبته 22.7 % من راسمال شركة SFCMC التي تعود ملكيتها بنسبة 70 % إلى عائلة Desseigne Barriere . وتملك الشركة المذكورة أهم ساحتين في مدينة "كان " اضافة إلى فندقي majestic و Gray d’Alion إلى جانب عدد آخر من الشركات المالية والتجارية في هذا المصيف الجميل على الشاطئ المتوسطي الفرنسي والذي هو قبلة للسواح الأجانب ولاسيما العرب الذين غالبيتهم من دول الخليج.

02-10-2008, 05:32 AM
SWFs retain their appetite for old world trophy assets
By Paul Betts

Published: October 2 2008 03:00 | Last updated: October 2 2008 03:00

Sovereign wealth funds from the Middle East and other resource-rich emerging countries have been taking huge bets by buying large stakes in western financial institutions and industrial groups. Some may already be regretting their enthusiasm for splashing out their petrodollars so early on in the current apocalyptic cycle, given the hefty paper losses they have suffered on many of their initial investments. Others, despite the financial meltdown, have shown no sign of losing their appetite for picking up new trophy assets in the old world.

The Qatar Investment Authority, for example, is continuing to build its portfolio of luxury hotels, even though the luxury hotel sector could be considered in these cash-strapped times, especially for normally high-spending Americans, as a risky business staring a downturn in travel in the face.

Early in July, a subsidiary of the Qatar fund - Qatari Diar - proposed to become a strategic shareholder in the Société des Bains de Mer, the listed company controlled by the principality of Monaco and its ruler, Prince Albert. The SBM, as it is known, is regarded as the crown jewel of the Riviera tax haven since it owns most of the principality's grand hotels and its casinos. Qatar wanted to acquire a 30.4 per cent stake for about €400m, but the SBM board deemed the price was too low and insisted on limiting any Qatar stake to 10 per cent.

So the Qatar fund moved further down the French Riviera to Cannes. Here it has just acquired a 22.7 per cent stake in the company that controls the grand old Majestic hotel as well as another gin palace, the Gray d'Albion, and a couple of casinos. Qatar would like to increase its stake to 40 per cent with the Desseigne Barriere family retaining overall control with 60 per cent.

The French family owners expect Qatar to help develop their Majestic brand and expand by acquiring new properties in France and abroad. The Qatar fund has already invested in various hotel projects in Paris, including the Royal Monceau hotel and buying from the French government the Kleber conference centre. Qatar has since reached an agreement with the Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels group, owners of the famous Peninsula brand, to develop the Kleber site and open a new grand hotel in 2012.
الفاينانشيال تايمز

02-10-2008, 10:58 PM
شكرا لك اخوي مغرور قطر