المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مساعده .. لاهنتو

21-12-2008, 07:41 PM
السلام عليكم

طلب بسيط ..

paragraph about fast food advantage and disadvantage

قطعه صغيره مب كبيره وايد

وباكون شاكرلكم

؟؟؟ .........

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21-12-2008, 08:05 PM

It's ''fast to get'' and usually delicious.

fast and affordable

Most convenient, all my town has

Fast and easy to get, Sometimes Delicious, Sometimes the only time you see families sitting and eating together.

being able to feed a family without cooking
many different varieties
Lots of food options
Job oppurtunities
Convienient. You don't even have to get out of your car.

cheaper than other, delicious....

---------------------------------------------------------------------Disadvantage: It's usually expensive, unhealthy and fattening.

fat content, calories, sodium content, cholesterol content, not positive of cleanliness of the kitchen it came out of, not knowing where it has been or drug through, grade of food used... many many other things.

Your eating highly processed low quality foodstuffs which are high & fat & regular use of these products leads to health problems.

Having fast food at ones fingetips has led to us having 2 generations of people who either cant cook or are to lazy to cook.

The fast food deluge has led to a rampant increase in the number of food related alergies, ailments & conditions in children, many of which are due to the heavy number of preservatives used in fast foods.

unhealthy, expensive and not too "fast"

Obviously unhealthy, Can lead to health problems if eaten in vast amounts, Can get expensive, Addictive.

Horrible for your health- too much soduim, calories, fat (the fat content in some of these items is more than your daily percentage), causes allergies when presented at a young age, may cause damage to organs and skin.
It supports the obesity issue.
It has made our nation lazier as a whole. Very few people/families cook on a regular basis now.
With all the job opportunities, people do not feel the need to further education. They can always get a job at a fast food resturant.

21-12-2008, 08:06 PM

جزاك /ج الله خير

وجعل مثواك/ج الجنه ..

21-12-2008, 08:09 PM
شاللي يمنع انك تسويه <<< سوري على السؤال

21-12-2008, 08:11 PM

جزاك /ج الله خير

وجعل مثواك/ج الجنه ..

ومن قال آمين يارب العالمين

21-12-2008, 08:17 PM
شكله هاي الهمورك مالك وعيزان تحله من قدك حد حله عنك
