المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حسب صحيفة امريكية.. مصطفى نجل قصي صدام حسين ابرز الاطفال الابطال في القرن العشرين

الفريق أول ركن
17-08-2009, 01:49 PM

اختارت نيويورك تايمز الطفل مصطفى نجل قصي صدام حسين كابرز الاطفال الابطال في القرن العشرين وعزت تايمز اختيارها لمصطفى البالغ من العمر 13 عاما والذي قتل مع والده قصي وعمه عدي في احد بيوتات مدينه الموصل الى الشجاعة الفائقة التي ابداها وهو يقاوم جنود الاحتلال الامريكي حيث قتل منهم 13 جنديا بسلاح قناص كان يقاوم من خلالة الجنود الامريكان الذين احاطوا بالمنزل الذي كان يتواجد فيه مع والده وعمه بحسب الصحيفة .


17-08-2009, 01:54 PM
ياليت حاط رابط لنيويورك تايمز عشان المصداقيه ..
مبروك عليكم الشهر ...

17-08-2009, 01:57 PM
الله يرحمه ويغمد روحه الجنة إن شاء الله

أسد الجزيرة
17-08-2009, 02:08 PM
سويت بحث عن الموضوع و لا يوجد اثر للموضوع

الظاهر انها اشاعة

اللهم ارحم موتى المسلمين

17-08-2009, 02:15 PM
Death of a Child, Birth of a Legend?


This story is still in first draft, rough with a lot of blanks to be filled in. On July 22, 2000 American soldiers with enough sophisticated weaponry to start a small war attacked an upscale villa in the al-Falah neighborhood of Mosul for the purpose of killing Saddam Hussein's two sons, Uday and Qusay. The four people in the villa, who defended themselves with only small arms for approximately four hours, included an aide to one of the brothers and Qusay's 14-year old son, Mustafa.

But, according to information available as of July 27, after the three adults were killed and killed again and again (ten to twenty anti-tank missiles, depending upon the source, but undeniably by a 50-to-1 ratio), 14-year old Mustafa, grandson to Saddam Hussein, held off eighty or more soldiers until he too was finally overcome and shot to death.

The invaders have shrugged and said they had no choice but to kill them. Some of us wish we had been contacted so that we could have reminded them of sieges, of tear gas. For reasons we don't yet understand, Uday and Qusay appear to have been wanted dead, not alive. It speaks poorly for the mentality of the designers of this killing. Captured, the brothers could have been tried by their own victims and a picture of some kind of justice could have replaced the barbaric embarrassment of two hundred soldiers, many inept enough that the entire neighborhood around the villa was bullet-riddled by the end of the attack, fumbling as they killed.
Hundreds watched from the street as the U.S. troops fired missiles launched from Humvees into the villa, helicopter-borne US troops climbed by rope down to the rooftops of the villa, and a steady barrage of gunfire kept the neighbors in frightened prone positions, as they feared for their own lives.

However much we want to defend our young U.S. soldiers as being uninformed victims of the administration now running our country, can we truly feel pride in the US Army's 101st Airborne Division and the 200 men who shot a 14-year old to death?

If this story is placed in the general "We v. Them" context, it must surely be accepted that "we" have no heroes here. "They" have one, one so potentially explosive that it could draw millions of neutral Iraqis into the resistance.

May one more Iraqi child rest in peace, Insha Allah.

17-08-2009, 03:18 PM
الله يرحمه ويرحم والده ويرحم امواتنا واموات المسلمين
ظل يقاتل برغم ان والده وعمه قتلو قدام عيونه وظل يضرب الامريكان بالقنابل اليدويه والقناص وقتل منهم عدد مو قليل...بالاخر قصفت الطيارات البيت وحرقته بما فيه,,,
لتنهي حياه طفل ارعب اقوى جيش بالعالم...وتنهي حياه 3 ابطال ....رفضو الاستسلام واختارو الشهاده...الله يرحمهم.

مطيع الله
17-08-2009, 04:48 PM
لنا الصدر دون العالمين أو القبر

ذيب زكريت
17-08-2009, 06:53 PM
الله يرحمه مهما كان فهو طفل

الفريق أول ركن
17-08-2009, 09:12 PM
death of a child, birth of a legend?

By lisa walsh thomas

this story is still in first draft, rough with a lot of blanks to be filled in. On july 22, 2000 american soldiers with enough sophisticated weaponry to start a small war attacked an upscale villa in the al-falah neighborhood of mosul for the purpose of killing saddam hussein's two sons, uday and qusay. The four people in the villa, who defended themselves with only small arms for approximately four hours, included an aide to one of the brothers and qusay's 14-year old son, mustafa.

But, according to information available as of july 27, after the three adults were killed and killed again and again (ten to twenty anti-tank missiles, depending upon the source, but undeniably by a 50-to-1 ratio), 14-year old mustafa, grandson to saddam hussein, held off eighty or more soldiers until he too was finally overcome and shot to death.

The invaders have shrugged and said they had no choice but to kill them. Some of us wish we had been contacted so that we could have reminded them of sieges, of tear gas. For reasons we don't yet understand, uday and qusay appear to have been wanted dead, not alive. It speaks poorly for the mentality of the designers of this killing. Captured, the brothers could have been tried by their own victims and a picture of some kind of justice could have replaced the barbaric embarrassment of two hundred soldiers, many inept enough that the entire neighborhood around the villa was bullet-riddled by the end of the attack, fumbling as they killed.
Hundreds watched from the street as the u.s. Troops fired missiles launched from humvees into the villa, helicopter-borne us troops climbed by rope down to the rooftops of the villa, and a steady barrage of gunfire kept the neighbors in frightened prone positions, as they feared for their own lives.

However much we want to defend our young u.s. Soldiers as being uninformed victims of the administration now running our country, can we truly feel pride in the us army's 101st airborne division and the 200 men who shot a 14-year old to death?

if this story is placed in the general "we v. Them" context, it must surely be accepted that "we" have no heroes here. "they" have one, one so potentially explosive that it could draw millions of neutral iraqis into the resistance.

may one more iraqi child rest in peace, insha allah.

مشكور فديتك

الفريق أول ركن
17-08-2009, 09:18 PM

هذا رابط من الروابط لزيادة التأكيد

عشقي قطر
17-08-2009, 09:30 PM
لاتستغربون شجاعته وجده صدام

18-08-2009, 01:02 AM
الله يرحمهم ...............
لا تأسفن على غدر الزمان لطالما
رقصت على جثث الأسود... كلاب

18-08-2009, 01:07 AM
ذاك الشبل من ذاك الاسد

رحمه الله ..

18-08-2009, 01:11 AM
الله يرحمه ويرحم ابوه وجده عز الله انهم ذيابه قامو المحتل
والاخ اللي ينشد ين المصداقيه يكفيك مثل متناقلت وسائل الاعلام انهم حاصرو الفله ساعات واخر شي قصفوها بصواريخ هالساعات كانو يلعبون كوره مثلا اشكره اطلاق نار بين الجانبين وهم 3 وذيلك اقوى جيش في العالم اكيد انذبح ناس منهم
الله يغفر لهم ويتقبلهم شهدا \

المقاول 1
18-08-2009, 01:17 AM
حفيد سيف العرب الله يرحمهم جميعا ويسكنهم الفردوس

18-08-2009, 02:12 AM
لا تأسفن على غدر الزمان لطالما...رقصت على جثث الأسود كلابا
لا تحسبن برقصها تعلو على أسيادها...تبقى الأسود أسودا والكلاب كلابا
تبقى الأسود مخيفة في أسرها...حتى وإن نبحت عليها كلاب
تموت الأسد في الغابات جوعا... ولحم الضأن تأكله الكــلاب

الطيبة كلها
18-08-2009, 03:14 AM
من الظالم ومن المسكين مانعرف السياسه داهيه

18-08-2009, 03:15 AM
لله دره من فتى شجاع من كان هذا فعله لا يسمى طفل هذا عن مليون من رجال هذه الامه اللتي اصابها الوهن

وصدق من قال عيال الصقور ماتبور واذا هذا فعله عجل كيف فعل ابوه وعمه وجده !

لله دركم يا آل صدام عليكم توصف الرجاجيل بالشجاعه الاقدام في هذا العصر

أسد الجزيرة
18-08-2009, 03:58 AM
death of a child, birth of a legend?

By lisa walsh thomas

this story is still in first draft, rough with a lot of blanks to be filled in. On july 22, 2000 american soldiers with enough sophisticated weaponry to start a small war attacked an upscale villa in the al-falah neighborhood of mosul for the purpose of killing saddam hussein's two sons, uday and qusay. The four people in the villa, who defended themselves with only small arms for approximately four hours, included an aide to one of the brothers and qusay's 14-year old son, mustafa.

But, according to information available as of july 27, after the three adults were killed and killed again and again (ten to twenty anti-tank missiles, depending upon the source, but undeniably by a 50-to-1 ratio), 14-year old mustafa, grandson to saddam hussein, held off eighty or more soldiers until he too was finally overcome and shot to death.

The invaders have shrugged and said they had no choice but to kill them. Some of us wish we had been contacted so that we could have reminded them of sieges, of tear gas. For reasons we don't yet understand, uday and qusay appear to have been wanted dead, not alive. It speaks poorly for the mentality of the designers of this killing. Captured, the brothers could have been tried by their own victims and a picture of some kind of justice could have replaced the barbaric embarrassment of two hundred soldiers, many inept enough that the entire neighborhood around the villa was bullet-riddled by the end of the attack, fumbling as they killed.
Hundreds watched from the street as the u.s. Troops fired missiles launched from humvees into the villa, helicopter-borne us troops climbed by rope down to the rooftops of the villa, and a steady barrage of gunfire kept the neighbors in frightened prone positions, as they feared for their own lives.

However much we want to defend our young u.s. Soldiers as being uninformed victims of the administration now running our country, can we truly feel pride in the us army's 101st airborne division and the 200 men who shot a 14-year old to death?

if this story is placed in the general "we v. Them" context, it must surely be accepted that "we" have no heroes here. "they" have one, one so potentially explosive that it could draw millions of neutral iraqis into the resistance.

may one more iraqi child rest in peace, insha allah.

مشكور فديتك


هذا رابط من الروابط لزيادة التأكيد

الله يرحمه ويرحم ابوه وجده عز الله انهم ذيابه قامو المحتل
والاخ اللي ينشد ين المصداقيه يكفيك مثل متناقلت وسائل الاعلام انهم حاصرو الفله ساعات واخر شي قصفوها بصواريخ هالساعات كانو يلعبون كوره مثلا اشكره اطلاق نار بين الجانبين وهم 3 وذيلك اقوى جيش في العالم اكيد انذبح ناس منهم
الله يغفر لهم ويتقبلهم شهدا \

يا اخوان الحين الموضوع يقول انه الجريدة اختارت حفيد صدام ابرز الاطفال الابطال في القرن العشرين

بس الي شفته مقال في جريدة انه مات و هو يقاتل بشجاعة الله يرحمهم اجمعين

18-08-2009, 08:58 AM
الله يرحمه ويرحم والده ويرحم امواتنا واموات المسلمين

مضارب جديد
18-08-2009, 09:37 AM
رحمة الله عليهم جميعا

اشهد ان امة جابت ولد

18-08-2009, 09:47 AM
الله يرحمه ويرحم ابوه وجده عز الله انهم ذيابه قامو المحتل
والاخ اللي ينشد ين المصداقيه يكفيك مثل متناقلت وسائل الاعلام انهم حاصرو الفله ساعات واخر شي قصفوها بصواريخ هالساعات كانو يلعبون كوره مثلا اشكره اطلاق نار بين الجانبين وهم 3 وذيلك اقوى جيش في العالم اكيد انذبح ناس منهم
الله يغفر لهم ويتقبلهم شهدا \

ياليت تفهم الموضوع وبعدين ترد يكون احسن !!!! ابي الرابط حق نيويورك تايمز ان الولد ابرز ابطال القرن العشرين ...ولا إذا بنتكلم عن إلي صار وإلي ماصار مب خالصين وعلمه عند الله ..:)

18-08-2009, 11:02 AM
جده صدام ماله الا هالطريق .. مالحق عرق ردي عز الله ..

صمتي حزن
18-08-2009, 11:16 AM
الله يرحمهم ويرحم ابوهم الرجل الشجاع الذي ماهتز وهو بارض المعركه ولا وهم يحاكمونه

صمتي حزن
18-08-2009, 11:19 AM
لاتأسفن على غدر الزمان لطالما ،،،رقصت على جثث الأسود كلاب
ولاتحسبن برقصها تعلو على أسيادها ،،،تبقى الأسود أسود والكلاب كلاب

18-08-2009, 01:04 PM
يا اخوان لا ننتظر من جريده ان تمجد سيرة هذا البطل المسلم العربي الصغير في عمره الكبير جدا في فعله
فهو وابوه وعمه وجده ضربوا لنا امثله في الشجاعه والاقدام والتضحيه والفداء وعليهم توصف الرجاجيل
وجميعنا نذكر ما تناقلته وسائل الاعلام ان اخر من استشهد في في هذه المعركه كان ابن قصي مصطفى هذا الهزبر الجسور اللذي شهد له الاعداء بالشجاعه وكان يقاومهم بجميع انواع الاسلحه انظروا الى فعل هذا الشاب اليافع والله انه بآلاف من رجال هذه الامه المتهالكه انظروا كيف تربى هذا الولد وكيف نشأ حتى يكون بهذه الصفات اللتي يجب ان تكون في كل شباب هذه الامه ولكن هيهات ان يكون جيل
( اغاني دقني ودقني وقلة الحيا بهذه الصفات ) !!

لله دركم يا آل صدام بن حسين انتم مضرب للامثال في هذا الزمان في الاقدام والشجاعه لا نامت اعين الجبناء

الى جنات الخلد بأذن الله