المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جريدة الجلف تايمز اجرت تحقيقا عن اصدارات 2006

22-03-2006, 08:35 PM
اموال تقول ان السوق القطري بيستقبل 10 اصدارات في 2006 1, لكن المقال ينوه الى وجهه نظر وزير الاقتصاد الي تدعوا الى ملاحظه السيوله قبل الطرح 2

Minister is against halting IPOs of new companies
Published: Wednesday, 22 March, 2006, 12:04 PM Doha Time

By Santhosh V Perumal

1"According to investment consultant Amwal, there are at least 10 IPOs in the waiting in Qatar this financial year. This, according to analysts, would have a positive influence on deepening and broadening the market".
2"However, Sheikh Mohamed is of the view that nobody can stop them from coming out with public offers. "We cannot stop them (the new companies) but we have to measure the liquidity."

22-03-2006, 08:59 PM
ليست اصدارات جديدة كلها
اغلبها زيادات رؤوس اموال اخوي ..