المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ابي برسنتيشن عن اي شي بالنجليزي

28-12-2010, 03:59 PM
السلام عليكم ابي برزنتيشن الحين عن اي شي يكون حلو وسهل بسرعه باروح المعهد عقب ساعه

28-12-2010, 04:04 PM
اخوي اكتب عن التدخين السلبي

اتفضل هالمقال

Negative Smoking

Defining Negative Smoking

Negative smoking is the term used to describe none smokers’ contact with the smoke brought on by the nearby burning tobacco within closed environments. Negative smoking can be encountered in two cases
1. Direct cigarette smoke which causes 85% of negative smoking incidents within polluted closed environments
2. Nearby smokers exhaling cigarette smoke within closed environments thus causing 15% of the air’s pollution in such places.

What are the dangerous side effects of negative smoking?

1. Cigarette smoke inhaled by a none -smoker through the exhalation of a nearby smoker often contains cancerous fumes. This smoke is said to be even more dangerous to the health than the smoke directly inhaled by smokers as it is often described as the by-product of an incomplete process of combustion.
2. Research shows that a none smoker is subjected to the same health risks as those of those encountered by a smoker especially if he or she is subjected to negative smoking. Like the smoker he or she subjecting the body to the inhalation of tar, nicotine, cyanide, methane, carbon monoxide and other chemicals causing cancer

How Does Negative Smoking Present a Risk to Children?

1. It is said that children born to smoking parents encounter a death rate seven times higher than their counterparts who are born to none-smoking parents
2. Children born to smoking parents are twice as likely to be infected with lung Cancer once they grow than their counterparts who are born to none-smoking parents
3. Children born to smoking parents are also more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases such as bronchus, asthma, allergies and ear infections.

How Can You Affect Your Children from the Effects of Negative Smoking ?

1. Avoid smoking in the presence of children
2. Do not smoke in the car or other compact spaces
3. Only smoke outside your home and away from the children
4. Try to quit smoking as this not only beneficial to your health but also to the health of your children?
5. If you are unable to quit smoking at least make your children aware of the harsh health effects caused by cigarette or hubbly bubbly smoke and of your honest attempts of trying to quit smoking or at least your commitment to smoke away from them.
6. Do not ask your children to buy you cigarettes as by doing so you are indirectly encouraging them to take up smoking.
7. Ask guests and relatives not to smoke in the presence of children , for by doing so you are protecting your children’s health

What Can You Do to Quit Smoking inside Your Home?

1. Occupy your time by helping your children with their homework
2. Participate with your children in group activities, games or even help them develop a hobby such as reading, drawing or taking up a sport
3. Keep the cigarettes out of your sight and your reach
4. Make sure you don’t smoke in your home and especially in your living area or your kitchen. The poisonous fumes emitted from cigarettes often burry themselves in the same food that your children are about to eat
5. Invite your none-smoking friends to your home as this will discourage you from smoking in their presence.

How can you protect your kids from the effects of negative smoke outside your home?

1. Avoid public places that people frequently go to and smoke
2. Make it a point to go to places where smoking is not allowed, and also visit relatives and friends that don’t smoke.

Help Your Children Breath in Clean Air ...

Before you light a cigarette remember the following;
1. Your cigarette will negatively affect the health of the closest people to you
2. You may encourage your children to become smokers by smoking in front of them

Remember the Cries of Your Children and Don’t Smoke in front of Them.

28-12-2010, 04:04 PM
التدخين السلبي مصطلح يطلق على تعرض شخص غير مدخن لمزيج من الدخان الناتج عن احتراق التبغ في سيجارة المدخن والدخان الخارج مع زفيره ويعرف ايضاً بالتدخين الثانوي واللاارادي والتدخين غير المباشر.

وينقسم هذا المزيج الى نوعين احدهما يسمى بالدخان الفرعي والاخر الدخان الرئيسي وينتج الدخان الفرعي عن احتراق التبغ في مقدمة السيجارة او البايب او السيجار او اعلى الشيشة اما الرئيسي فهو الدخان الذي ينفثه المدخن.

28-12-2010, 04:12 PM
http://desk01.arb-up.com/i/00006/ugmgzy9k9fjv_t.jpg (http://arb-up.com/ugmgzy9k9fjv)

وهاي صورة ممكن اتضيفها عالبرزنتيشن

الراقيه سبشل
28-12-2010, 05:27 PM
اعتقد اني جيت متأخرة

بالتوفيق ..

28-12-2010, 05:42 PM

قوقل تلاقيه ثاني لفة على اليسار
هذا بيت بوعبدالله

29-12-2010, 03:32 PM
شكرا جزيلا وتاجل الامتحان الرقايه سبيشل ابغي اشوف موضوك